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RTI Terms and Definitions

Benchmark - is an efficient way to screen (test) all students three times per year in the fall, winter, and spring. It is used to monitor the progress of every student and it establishes school norms that can be used to set goals. It may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the school’s basic skills program. Sibley East uses DIBELS and NWEA

Progress monitoring – students who are performing below grade level or not meeting the target goal as indicated by the benchmark, will be monitored weekly/biweekly and this information will be charted. DIBELS will be used for progress monitoring as well as for benchmarking. Grade level passages are used for benchmarking, and depending on the student’s reading level, out of grade level passages may be used.

DIBELS – Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills

Data Points - Every time a student is progress monitored or benchmarked a “score” is generated. This score is graphed and will be represented as “data points” or “dots”.

RTI Coordinator- The individual assigned the responsibility of coordinating interventions and progress of our struggling reading students. This individual also coordinates and chairs the data intervention team, the building problem solving teams, and the district problem solving team. Coaching is provided when necessary.

Grade Level Teams – Teams that are comprised of teachers that work with students at an assigned grade level.

Probe-an assessment that is used to progress monitor a student

RIOT- a process used to gather information. R-Review, I-Interview, O-Observe, T-Test